Exhibit features 阿宾顿 student works from 雄鹿县 museum collaboration

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The new exhibit at the 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 艺术画廊 features tiles and mosaics created by students during a collaborative course at the Moravian Pottery and TileWorks in 雄鹿县.


阿宾顿,爸爸. -一个新的展览在 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 艺术画廊 showcases pieces created by students during courses taught by faculty in collaboration with professional 艺术isans at the Moravian Pottery and TileWorks in Doylestown, 雄鹿县.  

Students explored the history and production of tile making and, by experimenting with traditional tools and equipment, they created their own tiles and mosaics. Their experience was enhanced through storytelling, 策展人讲座, and the Henry Mercer Legacy 艺术ist program. The TileWorks produces handmade tiles and mosaics in the style of Henry Mercer, the acclaimed archaeologist and ceramicist and a leader of the American 艺术s and crafts movement. 

“The students had access to all the staff, who worked with them and taught them these incredible techniques. It is an amazingly rich space, and it’s so beautiful to work there,” said 伊冯·爱,副教授 艺术

爱和 克里斯•邦纳 艺术副教授, 共同教授课程, which came to fruition thanks to relationships the duo formed in the 艺术 community years ago. Bonner was a master mold maker at the TileWorks for more than a decade before he began teaching at 阿宾顿, 还有那个时期的同事, 凯蒂McGuirk, became executive director of the site a few years ago.  

“Katia contacted me because she was interested in forming a connection with 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, 这门课就是从那里进化而来的. Students tap into her expertise, and she shares her influences and stories with them. She has a wealth of knowledge about tile making and Henry Mercer,邦纳说. 

Love’s connection to McGuirk also extends back almost a qu艺术er century, through 艺术ists’ residencies and an independent 艺术 school Love once owned. 

“卡蒂亚一直是一个瓷砖制造商, and she was heavily influenced by Henry Mercer and his techniques. She also facilitates lectures for the students with Vance Koehler, 瓷砖工作室的馆长,”她说。. 

The TileWorks-based class is open to 艺术 majors and minors as well general education students at all levels. About 10 to 12 students enroll in the process-oriented course each spring. 

“Henry Mercer wanted his tiles and mosaics to tell a story, and the students are prompted to relate their own stories through their pieces. 在课程结束时, there is a nice mix of very successful works made by students regardless of their skill levels,邦纳说. 

The success of the students in this immersive experience extends beyond the exhibit in the campus 艺术画廊. Three students received Student 参与ment Grants from the University to fund summer internships, another student was hired p艺术 time to glaze tiles, and two other students honed their professional skills volunteering at the national Tile Fest. 
The course also strengthened the existing connection with the working history museum, which is located about 30 minutes north of 阿宾顿, by building a p艺术nership that will offer continued engagement for students and the entire campus community.  


瓷砖 & Mosaics: Student Works from the Collaborative Course at TileWorks of 雄鹿县 

通过10月. 13, 2023, in the 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 艺术 Gallery 

Click here for more information about the exhibit


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Regina Broscius